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Sunday, 7 July 2013

A Brief addition

Well its been a boring Sunday afternoon and when i`m bored i like to get out a few pairs of underwear and have a bit of "ME" time.
As its a been a hot day things get a little "Heated" if you know what I mean and me and my little best friend had a little play.
I just love slipping on a pair of something and seeing where things you know what I mean?

 Well I can play for hours just slipping other ones on and off playing away the time getting high on the horn just me my little pal and my collection of underwear

As always I like to share my experience so this is  one post in the button fronted brief.

1 comment:

Hung N. said...

I have to ask, what brand are these button-fronts? I've never seen them before you and make them look mouth-watering!