All content NOT intended for minors.No nudity but sexual content included

Selling site

Check out my selling page:
Loads of great gear -you name the price.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Bargain pair repost


bargain gear

Hey guys
It`s been a while..sorry.

Although ive been away from this a while ive still been collecting gear LOL.
Not all of it has been expensive stuff.

Theres so much cheap gear about that arent always crap.
Last week I got some groovy boxers that only cost $3-£2/euro.

As some of you know im a nut for lycra feeling gear and this bargain stuff feels fantastic on.

This gear is great to catch the guys eyes at the gym changing room which again as you know I love showing off my underwear in public LOL.

Heres some of the gear I got...what do you think??

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

underwear site review

What a great advert.
Good stuff at this site...check it out NOW!!
Check out the site HERE

Take care

5 simple steps to folding your briefs.
Look after them and they`ll look after you.


There`s nothing like having your gear neat n tidy in the drawer,easy to see what pair you wanna wear.
Dont worry I dont iron them ...haha...

Monday, 17 August 2009

New amateur blog

I`m always happy to promote someone elses blog  So I want to recommend you HIT this new one
He`s defo got what it takes..Don`t you agree?
Well done Olympus

Web Wank

I thought i`d regularly share  pics ive seen on the net that got my weener excited LOL
Don`t forget,feel free to mail me your favourite pics..especially if they are of you

If the pics i post are of you and you want them removed just drop me an email..i hope you want me to keep them on ,lets face it as an expert if your pics on here then its cos your HOT.

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