He lives in New York and like me a big underwear fan.
He used to send me what he called "care packages" which was a box of on average 7 pairs of underwear.
They werent always new but were clean. By what I could make out they were from other online guys who sent him some.
Anyway to get to the point one pair he sent me was a pair of blue boxer briefs by UNICO.
I loved them and wore them time and time again. They were nothing special to look at but the construction and over all feel and fit really hit that spot for me. I believe they are made in Columbia ( there`s a story i need to share another time).
I could never easily find any more UNICOs to buy online...until NOW.
What a lucky find last week a guy online was selling two pairs that were not his size so I grabbed that chance and got them off him.
Here is one pair that may show just some of what I find so great about them (unfortunately i cant describe the feel which is out of this world).

From the pictures You can see just what effect they have.
I will treasure these pairs I now own.